Barret School of Banking • (901) 321-4000 •


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Stewardship and Banking pt 1

Stewardship is a word that we don’t use often in the banking world…and that’s a shame. While many of us come from a faith tradition that brings a particular set of ideas along with the word, there are some very pertinent points that apply so specifically to banking that I think it wise to discuss them here. For me, this conversation (and those leading up to recording) really sharpened the focus of what it is we do.

Eric Alexander has a long career in banking and recently started Six Arrows Consulting. You’ll be hearing and seeing more from Eric over the coming months in our programming and I thought this was also a good place to introduce him to the Barret family.

To learn more about Eric and Six Arrows, check out

And many thanks to our sponsor, ICBA Securities for their continued support!

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