Barret School of Banking • (901) 321-4000 •


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Jack Henry™: Fintech and the 5’s…and also THE question we want to ask

Bringing “old school” lending into the digital world is pretty tricky. I sat down with Ken Summar (Director of Advisory Services with Jack Henry’s Lending and Deposits Group) and Mark Messick (Director of Products with Jack Henry’s Lending and Deposit Group) to talk about some of the uses for data in credit analysis that you might not have thought about. I hadn’t, to be honest.
But the big thing here is the last question. No matter how many times I’ve had the discussion around adding new technology to an existing core, the grumbling begins and more bourbon usually gets ordered. So, I asked Ken and Mark…why? So, the last several minutes are 2 executives from Jack Henry™, a major technology provider, answering the question we’ve all asked ourselves about the core.

Hope you enjoyed it. I learned a ton.

Jack Henry is a well-rounded financial technology company that strengthens the connections between people and their financial institutions through technology and services that reduce the barriers to financial health – with the purpose of empowering people and communities to gain the financial freedom to move forward. Visit to learn more. Contact Mark Messick at

Thanks to ICBA Securities for their continued sponsorship!


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