One of the great things about this podcast is the really cool people we get to meet. Collateral Edge’s CEO, Joe Beard is definitely one of those people.
First, Collateral Edge is a really interesting idea that has the potential to do what we at the podcast strive to accomplish…change the world through community banking. Using the knowledge that he and his team have in investment banking, Collateral Edge is partnering with banks to better address credit needs in their community by reimaging middle market efficiencies. The implications here are HUGE for low-to-moderate income communities and fostering entrepreneurial development there.
He also has written a good bit about leadership and culture…two other huge topics here at the podcast. Leveraging his career in the military (He’s a West Point grad and held leadership positions in the military) he has some great points around this crucial topic.
I wanted to pick his brain on these two areas and not leave out anything…thus…we have Joe for 2 weeks. I hope you enjoy part 1 and stay tuned for part 2 next week.
Check out Collateral Edge at
And many thanks to our sponsor, ICBA Securities, for ensuring this type of content reaches the community banking industry. Be sure to visit them at